☺️Aku Lahir Untuk Melukis ✏️ (A story in Malay & English)

Read the first of many stories in this series about a pencil and a boy. This level of reading is perfect for upper beginner to intermediate Malay learners. The language used here reflects spoken Malay while using standard Malay spelling. Enjoy!

☺️Aku Lahir Untuk Melukis ✏️  
 (A story in Malay & English)
I Am a Pencil Series
Chapter 1: I'm Born to Draw

I am a pencil.

My body is orange.

I'm born to draw.

My owner is Johan.

He just bought me.

Just now, he was drawing a picture of a cat.

Now, I...

Where am I?

This place is cramped/narrow and dark...

Mom, where's my new pencil?

I dunno. In the living room?

Not there.

In... your room?

Not there.

Try searching (for it) on your desk.

Not there.

Hmm... So, your pencil is missing?

Oh no!

...I'm missing?

But he just bought me!

I wanna draw with Johan again...

Look for me properly, Johan.

I can hear your voice.

But I don't see you...

Find (it) properly.

My room is dark.

Switch on the light.

I'm not tall enough, mom...

Let me help you.

I see (it) now!

The pencil is under the bed.

Thank you, mom.

You're welcome.

Keep the pencil properly, okay?

Johan found me.

Johan and I can draw again.

Now Johan is drawing a picture of his mother.

Tamat 📙🏁
The end

📖 Keep reading, leave your questions in the comments below, and learn more related vocabulary HERE. Happy learning! 🌤️