Malay vocabulary list - words you need to learn at home

Wanna know how to say "bedroom" in Malay? Read and spend 15 minutes to practise saying these words out loud.

Malay vocabulary list - words you need to learn at home

Starting your journey of learning Malay at home will make it comfortable and pleasant. Write down these words on a bunch of Post-It notes. And then stick the words on the relevant objects and places.

  1. kemas, mengemas - to clean
  2. mandi - to shower
  3. sapu, menyapu - to sweep
  4. tonton, menonton - to watch
  5. tengok - to look
  6. bangun - to wake up
  7. cuci, mencuci - to wash
  8. basuh, membasuh - to wash
  9. buka, membuka - to open/to switch on
  10. tutup, menutup - to close/to switch off
  11. tinggi - tall
  12. rendah - short
  13. garang - fierce
  14. penyayang - loving
  15. senyap - quiet
  16. selesa - comfortable
  17. keras - hard
  18. lembut - soft
  19. meja - table
  20. kerusi - chair
  21. katil - bed
  22. bantal - pillow
  23. rak - shelf
  24. peti sejuk - refrigerator
  25. pintu - door
  26. tingkap - window
  27. bilik air - bathroom
  28. ruang tamu - living room
  29. dapur - kitchen
  30. bilik tidur - bedroom

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Read the next article in this series ➡️

Malay vocabulary list - words to know while getting dressed
Wanna know how to say “sleeves” in Malay? Read and spend 15 minutes to practise saying these words out loud.